Here is my way of sharing with all of you the journey I am embarking on in South Africa! None of it would have been possible without the love and support of so many family and friends. I thank you a million times over for making this dream a reality, being a vital part of this chapter of my life and hope you enjoy reading all about this incredible adventure. I carry a little piece of each of you in my heart on this journey of a lifetime!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Best Mexican Food in Cape Town!

Today was another outstanding day in Cape Town!  Placement went well…today was arts and crafts day and I went to an all male ward to help with an art project.  We painted sunflowers which was a lot of fun and very therapeutic.  I then found out some very exciting news!!!  I am going back to Namzamo on Mondays and Tuesdays to be with the children.  Although I love Valkenberg and the work I am doing there going back in the afternoons was not an option because they would be sleeping when I would be there for nap time and we determined that early mornings would be better.  So…starting next week I will begin my week at Namzamo for two days and spend the remaining three days at Valkenberg.  I will get the best of both worlds!! 

We then met with the CCS staff to talk about our experience so far and wish some of the volunteers who are leaving on Saturday a safe farewell.  They took us out to Pancho’s which is one of the best Mexican restaurants I have EVER eaten at!  They ordered appetizers that just kept coming and we were all full by the time our meal came.  Some of the staff came with us which was really nice and we just had one last family dinner together.

After dinner we walked around the corner to a Jamaican place called Trenchtown.  They had a Bob Marley cover band playing which was amazing followed by a drumming group which were outstanding.  We sat in an open area with a bonfire and listened to the drums being played.  At one point they started bring instruments into the crowd and had us play them along with them for a huge jam session.  It rocked!!!  We had so much fun and didn’t want it to end but curfew was calling our names!

P.S.  I went to exchange money today…too bad I didn’t know that I needed my passport to do so.  Third times a charm right?!?

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