Here is my way of sharing with all of you the journey I am embarking on in South Africa! None of it would have been possible without the love and support of so many family and friends. I thank you a million times over for making this dream a reality, being a vital part of this chapter of my life and hope you enjoy reading all about this incredible adventure. I carry a little piece of each of you in my heart on this journey of a lifetime!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I get by with a little help from my friends…

Today is Friday and that means cooking class at Valkenberg!  I worked with the OT staff today and since it is so hot we made a fruit salad with ice cream.  This was a real treat for the woman and you should have seen how much ice cream they took.  It was funny to see and I can certainly tell that they don’t get this very often.  After cooking class I went to help another staff member in the Friendly Store where we sell items very discounted including cigarettes and tobacco for the patients that smoke.  I quickly realized it was a good thing I was there because it was payday for many of the patients who work minimally at the hospital in exchange for money to buy small things.  The shop was hoping and I was making change and taking money like crazy.  I then went back to the office and worked on the sentiment for the upcoming Valentine’s Day treat.  I created a template for approval and hopefully can get started on the 750 I need next week. 

Then I was off to Rondebosch (suburb by the homebase) to exchange money with my passport in my purse.  The line was really long and it took I while partly because it seems like all of the exchange students at University of Cape Town had arrived and needed to exchange currency.  This really sweet South African man came in line after me and promptly yelled at a “much younger gent” who was trying to skip in front of me in line.  He went right up to him with his little cane and asked him what he was doing.  It was slightly tense for a moment as I stood still and then the teller called me to her window.  Chivalry is not dead after all!  After I got my money exchanged another volunteer and I hit up a bigger grocery store and I began to see how I could cook or convert things here as I am planning on cooking treats for both my placements and the house before I leave.  Some things will be a challenge since they don’t have the same ingredients here.  For example…they don’t have Cool Whip or chocolate chips or graham crackers etc here.  Some of my recipes are going to be a challenge if I don’t find substitutes. 

After that adventure we came back to the house to get ready, eat dinner and headed out to Long Street.  Long Street in Cape Town is where the night life is alive!  There are tons of stores, restaurants, clubs, live music you name it…it’s on Long Street.  We hit up a few different ones and finally settled in to a place where there were couches and we could dance.  It was a complete girl’s dance party circle with all of the other volunteers.  They played lots of new and old school songs and we had a great time.  As many of you know…I am a cider girl!  They have a fabulous South African cider called Savanna Dry!  I am a big fan and highly recommend it if you ever are somewhere that carries it. Over and out for now from Cape Town!

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