Here is my way of sharing with all of you the journey I am embarking on in South Africa! None of it would have been possible without the love and support of so many family and friends. I thank you a million times over for making this dream a reality, being a vital part of this chapter of my life and hope you enjoy reading all about this incredible adventure. I carry a little piece of each of you in my heart on this journey of a lifetime!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

And the story begins...

"I shall pass through this world but once.  Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human beings, let me do it now.  Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."  --Mahatma Gandhi

It's hard to believe that today is the day that I am leaving to volunteer in South Africa.  It is such a completely surreal feeling.  I have always wanted to volunteer internationally and have been researching this opportunity seriously for the last 2 1/2 years.  I just never thought the day would finally come and I would be on my way!  As many of you know I am going to be traveling with an organization called Cross Cultural Solutions which has many international volunteering programs throughout the world and focuses on planning programs/volunteering opportunities that fit the needs of the community and helps them create sustainability.  I did a lot of reflection and soul searching leading up to this point and was most drawn to this organization.  From the very get go I was given personalized attention in finding the program that would best fit my social work/mental health background and some of the areas I am most passionate about in addition to what can best serve the partner programs affiliated with CCS.  I knew that I always wanted to go to Africa and we determined fairly early on that South Africa would be the best fit for me.  I love to travel and learn about new places, people and cultures and am eager to take it all in and learn many new things in the coming weeks!  

I will be departing today January 6th, 2011 and arriving on the comes the two fun days of travel.  I will be flying out of Madison, Wisconsin to Chicago and then heading to London on a red eye flight.  Upon arriving in London I will have over a 10 hour layover and a chance to explore Heathrow International Airport for the first time.  During this time, some of the other volunteers and I are going to try to find each other and spend some time getting to know each other during our very long layovers...without cell phones we are being forced to describe the clothing we will be wearing and hope for the best!  I am sure we will have fun trying to find each other for the first time!  Later that night I will catch my second red eye flight to Cape Town!  I will be volunteering there for 5 weeks and returning back into the United States on February 13, 2011.  I am sure this time will go by very quickly despite all of the planning that has gone into it!  I have been in touch with the other volunteers and they all seem great.  There are a total of 10 females arriving on the 8th and currently 3 existing volunteers at the homebase as I write this.  I am eager to meet everyone and excited to begin this life changing journey.

Some of you asked what I will be doing specifically while I am down there.  I recently received my placement and found out that I will be volunteering at two different locations with hopes of adding another after my third week at the homebase.  My first placement will be working with patients and staff in a psychiatric hospital and my second will be working with children under the age of 6 who have been traumatized, orphaned, abandoned, neglected, infected or affected by HIV/AIDS.  I know that each day will bring challenges and put a completely different perspective on life but I am really looking forward to helping where is needed and offering lots of love and support.   

I want to personally thank everyone for all of their love, support, prayers, well wishes, contributions, enthusiasm, care packages, cards, hugs, phone calls, emails, text messages, Facebook messages etc etc!  The list is endless and I am so touched by everyone reaching out to me!!  I am astounded, speechless and at times in tears by the incredibly amazing support system that surrounds me time and again and holds me close on this adventure.  I feel so lucky and truly blessed to even have the opportunity to do this let alone having such a fantastic group of family, friends, co-workers and loved ones cheering me on every step of the way!  Without each of you none of this would have been possible!!!  I cherish you for believing in my cause and rallying behind me.  I will carry a little piece of each of you in my heart and can not thank you enough for your kindness and generosity in helping make this dream come true.  I couldn't ask for a better support system watching over me.

Please be patient if I do not have many blog entries immediately.  They have already prepared us that our Internet access upon our arrival might be limited and that we will be paying for Internet usage per MB.  We also have lots of orientation to prepare us for life in South Africa and our volunteer placements that takes up most of our days.  I promise to write as often as possible and share with you the work I will be doing there.  Also, please feel free to share this link with whomever you think would like to read about this journey.

Be well!  Be wise!  Be true! 

Much love always-

"You're off to great places!  Today is your day!  Your mountain is waiting.  So...get on your way!"  -Dr. Seuss (Oh, The Places You'll Go!)

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