Here is my way of sharing with all of you the journey I am embarking on in South Africa! None of it would have been possible without the love and support of so many family and friends. I thank you a million times over for making this dream a reality, being a vital part of this chapter of my life and hope you enjoy reading all about this incredible adventure. I carry a little piece of each of you in my heart on this journey of a lifetime!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Fear is Temporary. Regret is Forever!

We started Saturday off bright and early!  Unfortunately it wasn’t too bright out and was raining but we were planning on it beginning a very productive and exciting day.  We ate breakfast at the lodge and headed out 2 hours to where we were spending the day!  I saw something absolutely amazing on our drive to our destination….baboons!  They run in the road, on the side of the road, cross the road…you name it.  They live in the brush and woods and pop out of no where.  One minute you are driving and the next they are running along side of you.  We stopped a few times to get pictures but they tend to run away.  I did get one picture from farther back.  Apparently what deers are to us…baboons must be to South Africa.  I was hoping for a baboon crossing sign but never saw one.  It was so funny to see their butts sticking out of the wooded area…they were mooning us without even trying! 

We stopped in Stormsriver and this is where some of us went on the Tsitsikamma Canopy Tour through the Tsitsikamma rainforest.  It actually made the rain/mist we were having make the experience better.  I know…who would have thought you wanted rain on this kind of excursion.  I included the link so you could see a little bit more of what I and some of the other volunteers did but I truly felt like George of the Jungle as I was going from tree to tree.  The other interesting part of this company is its commitment not only to eco-wilderness adventures but also to eco-trade and giving back to create more jobs and sustainability in the community there.  I can’t wait to show you all my pictures and DVD of the tour.  Let’s just say I was more graceful as I got better at it but it was fun none the less.  We had two amazing tour guides who were a ton of fun names Werner and Marius!  They thought we were funny and cute and laughed at us most of the time but made the day even more exciting.  We also learned about the rainforest and that none of the canopy platforms have anything drilled in to the trees we were moving from.  They are very eco-friendly about not damaging the rainforest!  I’ve always wanted to go to a rainforest and it was incredible…not to mention that the air quality was SO MUCH BETTER!  I actually got my voice back for a while!  The longest zip was 100m which is a little over 328ft and we were up 30m which is a little over 98ft the rainforest floor!  It was incredible and none of us wanted it to be over!  We ate a little lunch there, did some local shopping and it was off to the next adventure!!

As you read on…many of you will think I am the craziest person in the world.  That might be true some of the time but I’ve always had the mindset that life is too short not to experience it to the absolute fullest.  This next adventure is the one thing that some people told me not to do before I left.  It is an extreme sport I have always wanted to try, I just wasn’t completely planning on doing it in South Africa…but when in South Africa…live it up right?!?!  So by now many of you are probably wondering what the heck I am referring to and want me to cut to the chase.  We drove a little ways and as we made our way over the bridge our driver said…”there it is.”  At that moment we were driving over the world’s highest bungee jump bridge!!!  Yes ladies and gentlemen  Bloukrans at 216m which is approximately 709ft.  The minute I saw it…I knew I had to do it.  Face Adrenalin is the company that operates the jump and the quote says it all…Fear is Temporary.  Regret is Forever!  I knew I had to do this jump as this was a once in a lifetime opportunity I wouldn’t get again. 

So…four of us saddled up, got registered and fitted in our harness and waited to be called.  The others hung out at a restaurant and overlook where they could see the jumps on big screens and by looking out towards the bridge.  Shortly thereafter we were called to go with a staff member to a downward path.  We walked the path which was pretty steep until we reached the underpass of the bridge.  We walked a caged catwalk under the bridge almost the entire way, It was grated so you could see completely below you and out…if you aren’t afraid of heights already it can definitely make you afraid of them.  Everything is very controlled and regulated.  When we arrived at the end of the catwalk we were given strict rules and they checked out order number and weight.  They then had us walk through into a holding area with cameras, TV screens and an in house DJ that was playing fun music to get everyone dancing leading up to there jump.  We watched, cheered and danced as we got ready to jump!  The bungee employees were all super nice and dancing with you and it felt more like a party than the reality that you were going to jump off a bridge…the highest bridge in the world mind you in a few minutes!  They took video and lots of pictures (can’t wait to show you all) and as someone was jumping the team on the other side of the bridge were bringing up the person who just jumped.  The guy who came down to get you and pulley you up was called Superman and they were all waiting to cheer and welcome you back after you got back under the bridge underpass.

We ended up jumping with lots of Europeans who were especially keen on the techno music that was being played.  I had flashbacks to the discos of Germany and we could certainly smell that some people clearly did not wear deodorant to the dance party!  However we were all having a great time and couldn’t help but be excited with each other and our jumps.  I also made a few friends and had one bungee guy who worked there in particular keep coming over and asking me how I was doing.  I, being the practical one, had already told everyone where my will and documents were in my room in the event something happened.  Did I mention that our insurance is null and void if we get hurt doing an extreme sport?  I told him I was fine, excited and looking forward to the jump.  He then asked if he could keep me and my blue eyes there with him in South Africa!  I laughed and told him he was out of luck because I had lots of other things to do on my journey here but let him take a picture with me which he excitedly told me was going to be put on Facebook.  Yikes!  I guess it was a good thing I was “extra special” as he promised I would be okay after my jump!  Ha ha!!  Time flew by and before I knew it…it was my turn to get ready!

Since this was my first jump I requested that they played a little Black Eyed Peas or Kanye West.  They couldn’t get that ready fast enough so they played me a little Diddy instead which was perfectly fine. They then have you sit on a bench and put Velcro leg warmer things on your lower legs and ankles.  They then grab a bungee cable and wrap it around your legs binding your feet together and hook the cables on to your harness.  As you approach the waiting area there are cameras all around you taping it all.  They help you hop to the edge.  I waved, made the sign of the cross (thank you Catholic upbringing!) and peaced out.  There was a guy on each side of me that told me to look straight out, have my arms stretched out at my side and at the count just jump off.  It all happened pretty quickly but all of a sudden I looked at the tip of my toes as they hung over the bridge and realized this was really happening!  We all joked about wetting our pants and thankfully that did not happen to any of us.  As a looked out to the mountain range in front of me and the forests to my left and right, I quickly saw the water below me…I took a deep breath…and jumped.  Time stood still!  I was free flying for several seconds unable to do anything but look at the beautiful sight around me.  I tried to scream a little but my voice was still gone and nothing really came out.  I was then rapidly jerked back into reality by the first recoil and then several more after that.  I finally came to a stop and was hanging upside down processing that I just bungeed off the highest bridge in the world!  It was the most peaceful and surreal feeling and my adrenaline was definitely raging through my body.  What felt like a few minutes later but was probably way less than that Spiderman came down and hooked me on to another line that cradled me back to the platform where I was pulled back up.  Pictures were immediately taken and all of the guys working there come and hug you!  I was asked by my friend to come back and bungee with him again…I would have done it again right away if he would have given it to me for free!

The euphoria you feel as you jump and afterwards is indescribable.  There is a calm that comes over you as you realize what you have just done.  I am completely embracing my new mantra of Fear is Temporary.  Regret is Forever!  I am so thankful I did this and it is something I will never forget.  After we made our catwalk and steep hill walk back, we took off our harness and met up with our friends who were watching.  I then went to the shop to watch the footage of my jump and my pictures.  Unfortunately it took forever for them to find it because my memory card got left at the jump and I saw everyone before and after me.  I was a little nervous that it didn’t record but they finally got it and all of you can see my pictures and video upon my return!  I have definitely been checking lots of things off my Bucket List!!! 

If you want to check out the website:

We then headed back towards where we were staying and stopped to look at some amazing views of the Indian Ocean and huge homes that are built into the cliffs.  We ate dinner at the Lake Front and headed home to the lodge where we all crashed pretty quickly.  I was pretty spent considering I am sick but am so happy I came and am experienced so many once in a lifetime opportunities.  Carpe Diem!

1 comment:

  1. i am jealous! go you! I am so happy that you did it! And i bet your little friend is happy too :D
