Here is my way of sharing with all of you the journey I am embarking on in South Africa! None of it would have been possible without the love and support of so many family and friends. I thank you a million times over for making this dream a reality, being a vital part of this chapter of my life and hope you enjoy reading all about this incredible adventure. I carry a little piece of each of you in my heart on this journey of a lifetime!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Welcome To Cape Town…

Woo hoo!  I have arrived!  I found myself smiling in the plane as we were approaching the airport.  2 days, 21 + hours of flight time, 12+ hours of layovers in addition to mechanical difficulties and holding patterns…I have made it.  And…I absolutely love it here!!  I successfully got through customs and my entire luggage arrived without any problems.  I was warmly greeted at the airport by Wonga one of our drivers at CCS and was off to the CCS home base.  On the way he pointed out many landmarks including the large townships I had seen from the airplane.  One of the other things that you couldn’t miss was the landscape of Table Mountain.  If you have not had the opportunity to see a picture of it…Google it immediately.  I am surrounded by it daily and it is a truly amazing sight to be seen.  Upon arriving at the house I was warmly welcomed by many of the other staff and got to see the other volunteers.  Everyone is incredibly warm, inviting and kind!  I am currently in a room with one other volunteer from California who has already been here for 7 weeks.  There are also volunteers from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Kansas, Arizona and California as well as Canada!  I received a tour of the house which is incredible and was given a chance to unpack, settle in and shower.  We then ate dinner and relaxed in the house getting to know each other and learning more about the house, program and everyone we will be working with.  Everyone is very friendly and fun to be around.  I also got to reconnect with another volunteer that is currently here and has been here for sometime from Madison that I actually know!!  What a small world!!!  It was refreshing and fun to see a familiar face after such a long flight to get here.  It’s past 2am and I am uber jet lagged not to mention that I managed to get a sinus infection on the way here.  I should probably get some sleep.  I am well so please don’t worry.  I am realizing that this blog won’t be a daily thing but I promise to update you as much as I possibly can.  Days are long and sometimes I just don’t think I will have the words to share at that moment my thoughts, impressions and feelings.  Please be patient with me! J  Hope all is well with each of you!  Enkosi (Thank you) for your love and support.  Be well-M

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to you teaching me some of the language!!!
